Wednesday, May 21, 2008

About birds and bonnets, books and specs

panels for Beth's and Karla's swap front or back whatever they decide...

Hi all!

A few girls asked me whether I had time for some thrifting while I was in the States. As we had only 12 days there, we were on a tight schedule. Perhaps I should mention now that visiting thrift shops is not a hobby of my husband nor our kids, on the contrary. But I managed to squeeze in a visit to an antique mall in Dania, while driving from Miami to Orlando. In Dania were quite a few stores which are dealing in European antiques, which is not interesting to me, naturally such goods are cheaper here. I experienced that the American dealers were very friendly though and offering good service. They friendly ask you whether you are looking for something special. In my opinion 'I collect everything' isn't a good answer if you don't buy anything, so I told them I was looking for specific American items. Unfortunately I didn't see any vintage wallpaper, no flower hats (I'm definitely no hat-whisperer like Sugarwings and Karla), no American bisque dolls, except for some kewpies, which were way too expensive to me. I did see a lot of rhinestone jewelry, but expensive too and nothing really special. And of course I told the dealers I was looking for the buttons on cards with images, like the ones over here and here. I have never seen them here in the Netherlands and a button card is safe to ask for while they couldn't be too expensive was my thought, that was before I was told that there are actually buttons of 400 dollars a piece....

I bought these sunglasses in art deco stores in Miami. They are new but I really like them. To me a real American souvenir. Of course I already have a collection of specs....

In the first shop they actually had buttons on cards, but not with the images. I guess from the 70-ties not interesting to me, too young! The second dealer told me that he used to pull of the buttons from the cards and throw the cards away....LOL but he was willing to check 'behind' whether there was something for me. I was following him into a little hall with a beautiful shabby chic cupboard filled with bits and bobs. The walls were covered with about 5000 plastic containers and in one of them THE card was laughing at me. A button card with a small child and all mother of pearl buttons still attached. 'That is exactly what I'm looking for!', I told the dealer but unfortunaltely he couldn't reach this container. By accident about 50 lids and 10 containers fell on the floor and then he quit his search. So I left the shop and Dania with no antiques not even the smallest rhinestone button at all.

My American 'souvenirs'
Yes I know that I'm a very lucky girl but I enjoy these books and magazines sooo much!

At Barnes and Nobles' I had less trouble spending my money, though they didn't have everything on my wish list. Of course we can order anything from too, but it's so nice to see a book live on stage first. I went to Michaels' too, but I really didn't have enough time there. While driving back to the airport we were (read I was) planning to visit another Michaels' store but then my daughter discovered that she had forgotten to take her brand new cellphone from under her pillow in the hotel. So we had to drive 30 miles up the road before we could turn, then turn, drive back and after collecting her phone ( I told you before Americans are honest people), we were back to were we started from about 2 hours later...better went to the airport straight away. Needless to say mummy wasn't happy....


Well, some day you win, some day you loose. Last post I showed you most of the presents Carol sent me. She sent me a magazine as well and as I started to read that last night a dresden was falling out and look what I found between the pages. What a surprise!! Thanks so much Carol!

It's time to craft now!

My last project were the panels for Beth's and Karla's birds and bonnets vintage workshop. If you are interested I have more pix in my Flick'r album. You can click this one as well as the one above my post, though the quality of the picture isn't that good while I was in a hurry to get them mailed...Btw there is a Flick'r group too!

panels for Beth's and Karla's swap front or back whatever they decide...


  1. Lili, so understood your position. Holidaying for thrifting needs a whole itinerary of its own, garage sales, estate sales ooo the lot we hear from the American girls, but all that said what matters is that you had a lovely holiday with your family :)

    chat soon, Adla

  2. Welcome home! Glad to hear you had a nice vacation. I was cracking up over that picture of the couple that dressed alike. I'm embarassed for them. Are you sure they're Americans? hehe Your antiquing adventure is typical for me. Always a hit or miss... I too wish I could find hats like Karla. You got quite the stash from Barnes & Noble though! Love the cards you did for the swap. Very pretty!

  3. SO near and yet so far... how frustrating for you to be just out of reach of some beloved buttons..
    I have a dream of going to the U.S.A and rummaging in thrift stores to my heart's content..
    It may remain just that.. a dream
    But oh how sweet it is to dream.

    Beautiful work as always Lili..


  4. haha jij bent dus niet rebels maar gewoon een dwarsligger... Zulllen we een blog campagne starten "Express your mind.. just TELL me you love me" of zo... LOL

    Ik ga zo je entry lezen... eerst koffie en een ontbijtje. IK gebruik nu ook Reader zoals ik ergens had gelezen in een post van jou... wat een verademing.. al staat me er een lijst van jewelste als je het niet bijhoud.
    talk to you later miss!

  5. Hi LiLi M
    Im Emma Jeanettes doughter i saw youre coment and i tought why shudent (exuse my spelling) i answer it and thank you for youre coment and if you want to look in to my blogg its its on swedish but you can stil look at the pictures.

  6. How nice to read aboout your neverending search for nice American goodies.. these sunglasses remind me a lot of Dame Edna ;)

  7. OMG the sunglasses!!! i wish you had posted a pic of yourself modeling them:) you know, i wish i was a hat whisperer too...i can NEVER find good hats like Karla!!! sounds like you had the same trouble as me looking for goodies, everything i like is sooooo expensive now OR i just can't find did however find some good reading, i have some of the books you got and the others are on my wish list!!! the panels you made for the swap are cute that Carol hid goodies in that magazine, what a lovely surprise!!!

  8. It is so hard to do any antiquing on a family trip, I certainly understand that dilema. And usually the antique stores along the highway are the highest priced ones, so that isn't the best example of where to go.

  9. Hai there glad you are back in the low lands!
    Aan je foto's te zien heb je wel een geslaagde vakantie gehad en waren er leuke verrassingen voor je bij thuiskomst.
    Ik ben laatst weer eens naar een rommelmarkt in Belgie geweest. Ik zag daar ook stopvoeten liggen. Geintereseerd? Ik kan er de volgende keer wel een voor je meenemen. Laat maar even een berichtje achter op mijn blog of stuur me een email (ik heb tenslotte in het geval dat.. ook je adres nodig).
    Groetjes, Marianne

  10. hallo lili,
    bedankt voor jouw bezoek in de vallei van het 3landen-punt ;))
    net terug uit de us?? dus de vakantie zit er al op??

    i'm enjoying a couple of days off right now. however cleaning up my place is the issues at the moment:(

    have a great day!!

  11. Your panels are gorgeous, I participated in that swap too, maybe we will see each other's when we get ours. Such a nice vacation, now I need to visit your country for my vacation. Blessings, Karen

  12. Beautiful and inspiring blog! You are the treasure/thrift shop mistress! Love all the pix of the goodies you posted!

  13. I love those sparkly sunglasses!!

    I always stock up on books and magazines when I visit the US too!

    Victoria xx

  14. Soms zit het mee, soms zit het tegen :) Ik heb een man die ook niks van dat rommelen moet hebben, maar zoonlief (van 6) vind het tot op zekere hoogte wel leuk. Ik parkeer hem altijd bij de vintage autootjes... vinden de verkopers meestal ook erg leuk! Fijne avond nog!

  15. Oh LiLi I'm so glad that you finally found the thingies I put in the magazine, well I gave you a hint here in my comment:
    You may not have read it, but I think a surprise is better anyway! :)
    Oh yeah junkin with the whole family is surely difficult, but you bought some great books and magazines. I own 3 of those books too. Of course they are from Amazon. You did some great work for Karlas swap!
    Happy crafting!
    Carol xox

  16. Lili, it was fun to hear about your American vacation! It is a shame that you didn't get a chance to do any good shopping while you were here. What a wonderful stash of magazines and those sunglasses crack me up! I LOVE LOVE your artwork you did for Karla and Beth's swap.... just beautiful!!!!

    xoxo heather

  17. Your glasses are sublime Lili M. Lucky you! How wonderful and fun!

  18. Lili, I love to visit antique shops in holidays, and my husband accompanies me. What I can't do is buy everything I want.

  19. your so cute..

    Love your panels, the turned out gorgeous!!
    hope i get one.

  20. Jammer van de knopen, maar je moet maar zo denken het zijn maar knopen en eens komt er een dag!!!!!! ergens op een rommelmarkt (ik probeer je een beetje op te beuren). Ik heb vanmorgen juist weer een blik en een paar kleine doosjes met knopen meegenomen bij de kringloop vandaan (maar geen kaarten met knopen).
    Geweldig kijk en leesvoer heb je meegenomen.
    Een heel fijn weekend en hartelijke groeten Marja.

  21. Hi Lili,

    So glad you had a great time! I've never been to Florida, but it's a lot like California in many ways (and yet different in others)

    It looks like you had fun. Hope to have you back, there's lots to see in the US.
    XO Lidy

  22. wat een aparte zonnebrillen heb je gevonden, had je toch wel even mee moeten poseren. hahaha. geweldig lijken me de tijdschriften die je meegebracht hebt en de verrassing ziet er ook erg goed uit.
    en wat voor moois heb je nu weer gemaakt? ga eens even verder kijken op flickr, ben zeer benieuwd.
    fijn weekend!

  23. yags zijn maar net wat je ervan maakt... je snapt natuurlijk wel dat ik alles uit mijn duim heb gezogen he!! haha maar err weird tags...

  24. LOVE those glasses.SO glad you had a few moments free to shop.

  25. Lovely panels! Thrifting is always such a hit or miss. My hubby doesn't appreciate the hobby either - in fact no one in my family does - I'm an odd one!

  26. Beth and Karla do the best swaps. I'm having a party, come visit! Rachael

  27. Waar halen al die bergen amerikaanse blogsters dan toch hun spulletjes vandaan??? Da's vaak kwijlen hoor wat zij dan weer ergens op de kop getikt hebben (of zouden zij gewoon meer geld te besteden hebben dan ons?) Misschien volgende keer wat garage-sales en rommelmarkten inplannen??? Is je mannetje ook vast héél blij mee (gniffel!)
    Je pannels zijn trouwens enig geworden, maar dat kunnen we aan jou wel overlaten! Het is mij eigenlijk totaal ontschoten, vond het wel een erg leuk idee.
    Nog een fijne zondag!

  28. Wat een schattige brillen heb je gevonden en je tijdschriften en boeken.....zucht. En ik zie dat je zelfs een Victoria hebt....nou word ik een beetje jaloers.
    Wat een verrassing wat er nog allemaal uit dat tijdschrift viel...waar halen ze toch allemaal die leuke spulletjes vandaan!!!

  29. gefeliciteerd met hubbie, leuk dat ie zo'n engel krijgt. maak je trouwens binnenkort nog eens tuinfoto's, ben wel zeer benieuwd hoe het er nu allemaal bijstaat!!!
    is alweer ff geleden dat ik tuinfoto's van je gezien heb.

  30. Hi Lili,
    I have left you a game in my blog, to see if you encourage them to do.

  31. Wat een mooie pannels heb je gemaakt. Echt supergaaf.
    En wat een leuke aankopen heb je in de USA gedaan. Geinige brillen.

  32. ben zeer zeker een collega pakezel...denk af en toe wel eens waar begin je aan maart ja als zoiets er dan staat met een bordje 50% korting... maar als ik het niet zo doe komt het er gewoon niet... wat was t ook alweer.. je hebt luxe paarden en werkpaarden .. fijne dag uit een druilerig noorden.

  33. Aren't these sun glasses Dame Edna's?????
    Think they are and she left them in Miami as she bought new ones...
    Love Eva Agnes

  34. hahaha, ik had al gehoopt dat het niemand zou zien. maar jij dus wel weer...... ik was wat aan het proberen geweest, dat was goed gelukt, ik dacht nu weet ik hoe het moet en ga ik het maar weer weghalen, nou mooi niet dus, i.p.v. mijn foto's kreeg ik toen allemaal vreemde plaatjes te zien. maar ik heb ze na wat uitgezoek gelukkig kunnen verwijderen.

  35. How frustrating about the buttons.... maybe next time you need to go to Kansas near Karla and Sugarwings! Sounds like you had a great time though!!

  36. Well, you had an adventure and a half! And so you know you're aren't alone I can't find a hat w/ millinery flowers on it either. And I'm in the middle of Texas, USA. And nothing. And if I do run across one or two they are always $30-40! Love your panels!

  37. Hi Lili- nice to 'meet' you here. And what a great post searching for American items from a different perspective. I think I would be gathering up the same magazine's etc. too. Inside are many treasures you can take home!!

  38. I have tagged you, dear Lidwien !! love the sunglases.Sad that you did'nt find the buttons on cards you craved.Have a nice day!

  39. those sun glasses are GREAT!!


Your comments are the cherries on the cake to me, yummie! thanx <3

Zonder jullie feedback zou bloggen maar een flauwe toestand zijn, bedankt! <3