Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Mad Tea Party!!

Hooray!! It's Party time!!

It's June 28th, it's Miss Vanessa Valencia's Mad Tea Party of the costume variety, of the Carnivalesque kind so to send in the party clothes, the make up, the tea, the cakes and everything!
I'm a Libra, so of course I was in doubt whether to join the party or not (that's always a time issue, not that I didn't want to). My second doubt concerned whether to come incognito or not;

You see I'm just the average women, but coming to the party with the mask, gives me that 'je ne sais quoi', yes it adds a tad of mystery to this otherwise so common girl.
So it will be mystery and beauty for a change!

I even have an incognito leg. Yessss you are right, it's the one on the right, not the fake croc footed one, I said beauty remember??? Now where is that funny striped stocking, oooh I should have started much earlier....
But look who is here at the Mad Tea Party???

It's Alice!!!

Hi Eva-Alice, thanks for helping me out, taking pictures and stuff. Yeah I like your hair, no you cannot dye it this color...
What do you say?
I just have to wave with my wand and wish for the beautiful gown and shoes??
Where is that &*@*%*$ wand when you need it?
Gee, I only use it when I am supposed to use the vacuum cleaner. Oh well, let's just speak the magic words and don't waste time wand searching....
'Bibbedee babbedee boob'

Oh no Alice! What on earth happened to you???

No, no you haven't become small or large...(well a little larger :-) but you are eh much older...yes I am allowed to say that, as you look exactly my age....What???? Everything here has turned older....
We cannot eat that cake's well over it's expiration date, as some say of yours truly, but she pretends not to hear/understand....
And look what has happened to the tea service:

It was already this small, but it was brand new. Now it's has aged into an antique children's service with fairies and butterflies, I have to tell you I like that!

And these were plastic red, blue and yellow children's services just a moment ago...

Would you believe that this was actually Playmobil?

And this was Fisher Price!

And who is this??

Here is the Mad Hatter!! Or should I say Mad Hatress?

Haha, no Mad Tea Party without the Mad Hatter!
Well she is mad because she has an akward date on her hat! It's today's date written down as the Dutch do, which I personally think is more logic than the way the rest of the world does it. It is the 28th day of the sixth month isn't it?? We Dutch say 28 June (28 juni, why use a capital?) too, not the other way around. What would you say?
Are you in for some rhetorics? Though the March Hare has just left the building, but we always have:

Nabaztag! the white rabbit!
He says stuff like:
mmmm, ahummm, yemmmm, (pauzes) maybe ahhm I'm sorry, I wasn't listening, can you say that again?
Nabaztag is definitely masculin!

Look, there is that mad Hatter again, magically she has changed hats and she has gone incognito again...

And another hat, other glasses, but no cakes and no music, as the Mad Hattress prefers to listen to her own music she has disenabled the party music....
But listen...
There is something going on:

Look! It's Nabaztag again!
He tells us the time, all the time. Like:

It's the same time as it was yesterday at the same time! Cute!
And now the fantastic and fabulous singing clock; taditadaaa papapapaa!!
or the best:
No, I'm definitely not going to tell you that it's eleven o'clock!
Though I'm not sure whether you can hear him or not, as we apparently are in a different time dimension, you can tell it's late, because I had to take this blurry picture of Nabaztag with flashlight.
Yes it's too late already! Too bad party girlies, the party at LiLi's is over now.
Hope you enjoyed my little Mad Hatters' Tea Party!

Don't forget to attend all Mad Tea Parties, there is a list at Miss Vanessa Valencia's fantabulous blog 'A fanciful Twist'.
Thanks a million for hosting Miss Vanessa, you are the best!
Thank you tea sippers for your visit over here
and remember:
It is the 28th day
of the sixth month.

And now an attempt to make a dutch translation:
Pfjoee en nu nog een vertaling.
Miss Vanessa Valencia's blog kun je een lijst vinden met bloggers die aan de Mad Tea Party meedoen. Ik twijfelde eerst of ik hier wel tijd voor zou hebben en vervolgens of ik incognito zou gaan of niet. Mmm dat masker verandert me toch wel van een zeer hollandse meid in een mysterieus iemand. Ik heb ook een incognito been!
Daar zou dan zo'n mooie kous over heen kunnen, maar ja die kan ik dus weer niet vinden. Te laat begonnen...Gelukkig is Alice hier om me op weg te helpen. Zij geeft me de tip om mijn toverstafje te gebruiken. Dat toverstafje gebruik ik eigenlijk alleen maar als ik zou moeten stofzuigen en waar is dan &&%*$#@ ding nou weer?? Nou ja, dan maar alleen de toverspreuk;
hocus pocus...
Whaah wat gebeurt er? Nee Alice, je bent niet verkleind of vergroot (nou ja, oké een klein beetje vergroot dan ;-). Je bent verouderd...en jij niet alleen, alles hier. De taartjes zijn nu ver over de houdbaarheidsdatum hahaha, sommigen zouden zeggen: net als Alice nu! Maar we doen natuurlijk net alsof we dat niet gehoord hebben!
Ook alle speelgoed serviesjes die al klaar stonden zijn plotseling verouderd. Je zou toch niet geloven dat het eigenlijk plastic serviesjes waren? Van Playmobil en Fisher Price enzo?
En wie komt er nu weer bij? Het is de mad Hatter! (als je op de hoogte bent van Lewis Carol's Alice in Wonderland dan leest dit stukje net iets gemakkelijker, het is namelijk een personage uit dat boek. Hij geeft acte de présence op zijn eigen thee feestje, dat dan ook de Mad hatters Tea party heet). In het hoofdstuk komt ook wat rhetoriek voor. Waarom zouden we niet allemaal zeggen dat het vandaag de 28ste van de zesde maand is (de Amerikanen doen dat in ieder geval niet!) Verdere pseudo rhetorica laat ik in bovenstaand stukje opknappen door
Nabaztag, ons witte konijn. Hij zegt altijd allerlei grappige dingen zoals de tijd; het is net zo laat als gisteren om deze tijd. Je hebt dus nog steeds een horloge nodig, maar de positieve kant is dat hij niet poept, geen schoon hok nodig heeft en geen kabels of draden doorknaagt. Volgens Nabaztag is het alweer veel te laat. Het is de hoogste tijd jongens, om verder te gaan bij iemand anders op de lijst op Miss Vanessa Valencia's blog: 'a fanciful twist'.
Bedankt voor je bezoek, LiLi M.


  1. Lachen...! Waar haal je het allemaal vandaan!

  2. haha, so cute.
    love the wig.

  3. Geweldige post! En ik ben helemaal gek op al je theeserviesjes. Maar hoeveel verzamelingen heb jij eigenlijk? En waar laat je die allemaal want je huis ziet er niet overvol en afgeladen uit.
    Fijn weekend! Groetjes, M

  4. Hoi Lili, ik wilde je een paar blog vragen stellen als je dat goed vind, maar kan nergens een email adres vinden. Misschien kun je mij even mailen, mijn mailadres staat in mijn profiel.
    Alvast bedankt. M

  5. you are a %@%#^ strange person Lidwien! It must be the reason I like you haha
    Have a wonderful party

    GR. desiree

  6. I loved your party!
    you are so creative and fun.
    Greetings from Marrakech and London.

  7. I love your mask -- so lovely and what fun you are having Miss party girl. I have some party hats and baubles at my tea party for EVERYONE. Do stop by. I'd love to see you. Thanks for playing!

  8. What a guys are too much the boar's head(and where is he at now?) You have a fun blog, I'll be back.


  9. What a fun party!
    I love your Wonderland and I've never drank out of a lovelier cup!
    Thank you!

  10. Fairy tea and Alice too!!!
    Whimsy and fun your party was indeed…
    Cute, cute, cute you look in a wig…


  11. Dear Lili M.
    You are such a magical Mad Tea partie girl!! So many hats!So little time. Yes, hows a girl supposed to choose & why should she? Let's have all the fun in all the hat's we can today. Fun is good for us! A toast to life!

    Cheers to your creative and uplifting post!

  12. What a great party, and I love all of your costumes, I especially love your masks! You are delightful and so is your party! Karen

  13. What a delightful post about Vanessa's party and your preparations!! I love the Mad Hattress -- that's so creative!! Your tea sets are divine and you will be the belle of the ball!! See you at Vanessa's!

  14. what fun!

    what fun YOU ARE!


    see you at the party...

    {{ your head
    doesn't look that hat size to me;
    are you sure? }}

  15. What a lovely party! I love the mask and hats! So pretty!!!~

  16. What wonderful tea sets, and I love Nabaztag. Also, your mask is so elegant.


  17. SOooooooooooooooooooooooo Marvelous!!!!!! I can't say enough!!!!! I am hopping around, and giggling!!! Oh Alice is lovely!! Soooooo FABULOUS!!! THANK YOU!!! you are soooooo much fun!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY DAY!!

  18. Love your sense of humour on this 28/6 (yes we do that in France too). And the wigs and the tea sets! And thank you so much for the lovely comment on my blog. You've made my day! And I will be back to visit again - no matter what wig you're wearing! :)

  19. Too, too funny Lilli! Thanks for the giggles!

  20. Oh my. . . such beauty and fun! Your first room is divine!! I think I will sit a spell underneath your lovely roses canopy and sip some tea!


  21. Such fun! I love the teapots!

  22. Your party was so much fun! Thanks for sharing all those crazy characters. Don't forget to stop by my place and sign up to win a party banner made just for the occasion! :)

  23. This wa one funny post!! Thanks for the visit and now on with The Tea!!!

  24. What a cute post! Everyone is going gaga over the Mad Tea Party today. What fun!!!

    Take care,

  25. What a fun trip. Love the costumes and both Alices were beautiful.

  26. love the tiny vintage tea set....wish I still had mine that I used to have as a kid....

    I have a couple of small mismatched cups... they will have to do for today.

  27. Nice to meet you and Sorry I'm so late...I do hope you come by for tea and animal crackers!

  28. What a fabulous party Lili!!! I love the incognito costumes, the wonderful masks and of course, the wig!!!

  29. Sorry I'm late but there were just sooo many stops to make. Hope you saved me some tea. LOVE those glasses!

  30. what a fun, fun post! thanks for sharing. :)


  31. I totally loved your party! Especially the black and white glasses that's something! I have had so much fun visiting, but time is slipping by. There are dozens and dozens more parties to attend ....I'm off for more cake and tea.

  32. I absolutely ADORE tea parties!!
    - Teresa

  33. Fun indeed! Love the masks and sunglasses! Still partying..that's me! Always late and always last to leave! : D


  34. Hahaha.... ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!

    P.s. Ik heb een klein blogfeestje dinsdag... Hierbij je uitnodiging!!

  35. hi! thanks for your nice comment!hahahahahahahha!!!!, jajajajajajajaj!!! what fun! I love all pictures!You are so nice!happy tea party!xoxo

  36. fun, fun. A mad person of many hats!

  37. Hi Lili!
    Thanks for coming to my party and I have entered you into the tag drawing...good luck!
    Looks like you had so much too.

  38. Oh what fun! I get the feeling we could do some damage...what with your party hats and my mermaid tail and all. Let us wreak havoc on the rest of the unsuspecting party goers! To the batmobile...

    Join the mersisters and I in the hot tub...we'll await you're whatever disguise you decide to don for the occasion!

  39. Such a fun fun tea party.

    Your tea sets are wonderful...and Alice is just darling!

    Not to mention those glasses!

  40. I love the childrens tea sets and you fabulous mask! And by the way who does your hair..hehe. Thanks for stopping by and leaving all of those cat names. And dont worry about "insulting me". Since I'm a late guest I'll just crash on your couch tonight. I know you wont mind..just wake me up when you've prepared my breakfast :)

  41. what fun what fun - i love your teacup adorable!!
    so nice to have met you at the party!

  42. What a lovely tea party post! Sorry for being sooo late. I'm still partying. Hope you drop by for a visit.

    Irma :)

  43. Leuk Lidwien die snelle reactie's altijd van jou.
    Wat een gek mens (leuk gek bedoel ik dan natuurlijk, mag ik toch wel zeggen he) ben je toch, je verhaal en de foto's zijn weer geweldig.
    Ik ga zeker de andere "mad tea party blogs" deze week ook lezen en kijken.
    Enne ik blijf bloggen hoor vind het veels te leuk.
    Hartelijke groetjes en geniet van het mooie weer, een mooie dag voor de markt!!!

  44. I love the insanity of it all.. and hats off to you dear Lili M for your very entertaining blog..
    I am totally smitten by that Rabbit.. and as I have a bit of a rabbit fixation I shall have to adopt one of my own methinks!

    Have a wonderful day catching rays..
    Love Michelex

  45. Oh Lili, what a wonderful tea party you have created!!!!


  46. Whoeaaa.... waar heb je die theeserviesjes gehaald !?! Ze zijn gewoonweg prachtig !

    Inge uit België

  47. Oh what a fun party you had Lili. Alice and yourself are the hottest tea party chics , your creativity makes me smile:)

    chat soon, Adla

  48. This is one party I hated to miss, how fun! I

  49. hahaha, bij wie anders verwacht je dit? en nu hebben we meteen een foto van je gezien met je 'nieuwe' zonnebril. wij waren vorige week nog in venetie en daar natuurlijk ook veel maskers gezien, past ook helemaal bij je.

  50. Ooh... I love the tea service with Fairies^^


Your comments are the cherries on the cake to me, yummie! thanx <3

Zonder jullie feedback zou bloggen maar een flauwe toestand zijn, bedankt! <3