Not everybody has removed their Christmas decorations. I was happy to see this on my Sunday walk through the Vleeschhouwersstraat (the Butchers'street, this name will not surprise you!)
January just isn't my favorite month. I hate to complain, but I started this month on penicillin against an inflammation of my tonsils and now I'm having a sore throat again. Well that's said. I'm sure that you guys really have something better to do than to listen to my moaning. I'll just show you what I did last week. Last week started cold and I think all Dutch bloggers showed some photos of their beautiful surroundings. I'll do that too, here is my street:

It was my daughters idea to walk to the park around the corner for some photos. I loved that idea.

Another 19th century town house. Here the new riches started to settle in the late 19th early 20th century. As Dordrecht is a medieval town, it is built like a circle. The 19th century part is like a peel around an orange around that medieval circle. Hence this part of town where I live is called 'the 19th century peel' or in Dutch 'de 19de eeuwse schil'.

When my kids were small we went to this park everyday. To play and to feed the ducks and deer.January just isn't my favorite month. I hate to complain, but I started this month on penicillin against an inflammation of my tonsils and now I'm having a sore throat again. Well that's said. I'm sure that you guys really have something better to do than to listen to my moaning. I'll just show you what I did last week. Last week started cold and I think all Dutch bloggers showed some photos of their beautiful surroundings. I'll do that too, here is my street:
It was my daughters idea to walk to the park around the corner for some photos. I loved that idea.
Another 19th century town house. Here the new riches started to settle in the late 19th early 20th century. As Dordrecht is a medieval town, it is built like a circle. The 19th century part is like a peel around an orange around that medieval circle. Hence this part of town where I live is called 'the 19th century peel' or in Dutch 'de 19de eeuwse schil'.
As some ladies and their kids were doing in 1906 too!
This park Merwestein was already there in 1786 and it's a public park since 1885.
Last Saturday we went to Utrecht:

Another beautiful city in the center of our country. In the background you can see the famous Dom tower.
Utrecht is also known for it's lovely antique shops:

I would love to have this big tin to put in my most precious vintage Christmas ornaments, but the price tag said 56 euros (74 usd). I thought it was way too expensive, what do you think?
This park Merwestein was already there in 1786 and it's a public park since 1885.
Last Saturday we went to Utrecht:
Another beautiful city in the center of our country. In the background you can see the famous Dom tower.
Utrecht is also known for it's lovely antique shops:
I would love to have this big tin to put in my most precious vintage Christmas ornaments, but the price tag said 56 euros (74 usd). I thought it was way too expensive, what do you think?
In most shops everything is locked away in showcases. I can understand that, especially here in the Pijpenla, where a lot of stuff is kept in the basement. What I don't understand is why they put the price tags upside down. So you have to get somebody upstairs, let them unlock one showcase, ask: 'What does that cost, and that and that?' and then move on to the next show case. Well, to tell you the truth the few price tags that were visible kept me from doing that. Like that card in the background in a quite common frame had a visible tag; 35 euros ( 46 dollars). I would sell all my cards in frames like that, if somebody would buy at that price. Interested? Just shoot me an email!
LiLi, i think a lot of us are having the blues right now...hopefully they will be going away soon...i know i am tired of having really is beautiful where you are...i hear you about the price tag thing...hubby and i braved the weather today and visited a few antique shops...everything i saw that i wanted was waaaaaaaay too much money...i go to a few shops that have everything locked away in cases too, i find that so aggravating...sometimes i don't even ask the prices because it takes to long to get somebody over to open the cases...
I go to an antique mall and there are loads of things I'm often interested in but they're in cabinets on numerous floors and it's so much effort to find someone to come up and open the cabinet just to tell me how much it is!
Victoria x
I'm with you on the price tags....we all have our limits....I always seem to find the one item without a price tag....
with you on the cold...even with the sun, I have a dreadful sore throat...bummer...lots of hot tea and honey coming up.
Come visit, its summer, hot, lovely! Make your throat better! Sorry can't buy your cards, my budget dosen't allow it!!!! Rachaelxo
It is so gorgeous there! And I think I'm going to start spelling Januari like you do. It's much more cosmopolitan looking.
Hi LiLi,
I hope you're feeling better soon! I enjoyed the story of the park. The homes in your area are GORGEOUS! I would love to live in an old home like the one pictured. Everything is expensive right now. I'm not surprised at the prices you are seeing.
Hugs to you!
LiLi, I know what you mean about January. The pictures you showed us make everything look beautiful. I just love the houses.
Get better soon
Wat leuk dat je in utrecht ben geweest!(utereg me statje)heb er ongeveer een jaar of 10 bij in de buurt gewoond...(20 minuten er vandaan)Ik vind utrecht altijd leuk!
Mooie huizen daar bij jullie...een hoog kwijl gehalte..
fijne week verder!!!
Ik kan helemaal met je meevoelen hoor! Ik loop ook nog steeds te hoesten als een hond en de nevenholtes zijn ook nog steeds verstopt. Klaag maar lekker een rondje! Als je je zo voelt mag dat best!
Hihi, als je je echt eens over prijzen voor curiosa en brocante wilt opwinden kom naar Duistland...Hier kunnen ze er echt wat van!
Zorg lekker goed voor jezelf, OK?
LG - Irma
Dat januari gevoel herken ik wel maar ik heb dat dan in februari. Dan heeft de winter gewoon lang genoeg geduurd en wil ik de tuin in en alles weer langzaam tot leven zien komen en met mijn handen in de aarde wroeten. Dan mag de kou verdwijnen. Terwijl ik dit schrijf bedenk ik me dat we eind februari nog wel een week naar de kou toe gaan wintersporten !!!!!! Maar je mag best wel even klagen hoor, neem een lekker stuk chocolade (lol) of een vitamine bommetje ( zo noemen wij onze zelfgeperste fruit/groente sapjes uit de sapcentrifuge, trouwens 1 van de beste aankopen van de laatste tijd maar daarover later meer)en je voelt je vast snel weer beter.
Het blik is prachtig maar inderdaad veels te duur. En dat van die niet zichtbare prijzen is heel herkenbaar, je weet dan eigenlijk al dat het veels te duur is en dan moet je weer zeggen "doe toch maar niet is niet helemaal mijn smaak"
De foto's van je hometown zijn prachtig. Wat kan het er buiten anders uit zien in een dag tijd.
Ik hoop dat je snel opknapt en januari vlug voorbij mag gaan voor jou.
hartelijke groetjes en een dikken knuffel.
What a beautiful street you live on…
you are so lucky to have a wonderful park so close.
The picture from 1906 is so enchanting, I love all the hats….
I guess we both started the New Year feeling down and out….
I do hope you get better very soon…
I put Il y a longtemps que je t'aime on my netflix list, it will be available
In March. I am looking forward to seeing it, thanks for all of the recommendations.
Thank you so much for the lovely tour. Everything is so pretty, and I loved the snow. I agree with you on the price of the tin, it does seem a bit high.
One thing about the blue days of January, is that it only gets better from here!
Wonderful beautiful old city! I love the old picture of the mothers and children.
I agree...why the upside down pricetags??? Same here.
Lovely tour! My post is up today with links to your wonderful blog. Thank you for letting me feature it!
Mijn hemel, ze weten wel van prijzen zeg! Nou, dat zou mij toch te gortig worden hoor! Voor iets héél speciaals zou ik het wel over hebben, maar verder ben ik zo´n echte miep kniep, liever 3 dingen voor een euro dan 1 ding voor 3 euro, hahaha!!!Maar goed, als je geld genoeg hebt, tja dan maakt het niet uit natuurlijk!
Je toer door Dordrecht was weer genieten, jammer dat alle sneeuw weer weg is he! Hier is trouwens niets gevallen, maar ze hebben wel heerlijk kunnen schaatsen.
Ik hoop dat je je inmiddels weer een beetje beter voelt (enne... het is echt geen klagen hoor! We steken je graag even een hart onder de riem!). Hier loopt ook alles te kuchelen, maar goed, als het daar bij blijft....
Love the old parc picture. Ja we moeten ons nog even door de winter heen werken, dan kunnen we de lente verwelkomen! Maar een winter als deze levert wel geweldige plaatjes!
Ja dat van die antiekzaakjes dat ken ik ook. Dan zie je iets leuks en dan is het totaal onbetaalbaar. Ik denk dan meteen dat ik ook maar eens een winkeltje moet beginnen. En die januari blues is mij ook niet onbekend. Eigenlijk wil ik meteen het voorjaar induiken maar dat is nog veel te vroeg. Ah wel ik heb ideetjes genoeg, nu moeten ze er nog uitkomen.
Maar ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat jij binnenkort weer schitterende dingen produceert.
Groetjes, M
I`m glad to know that I`m not the only one who`s feeling a bit down!
I shared a few tears last week... for no particular reason!
Although your lovely comment really cheered me up!Lol
Thank you so much!
I absolutely LoVe YOUR TOWN!
Debbie Moss
Thank you so much for the tip Lili. I will keep the picture as a little treasure of sorrows, at least for a while. I don't think husband would appreciate the picture (haven't showed him). All those sweet comments on my post is so inspirational, I've finished another painting I will have for january give away, and a necklace for myself :)
Your winterpictures is wonderful, lovely houses and that park! Lots of hugs /linnea-maria
Hope you feel better LiLi!!
Even you can make the blues look bright!
Sending warm thoughts your way!
Oh, I am sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the walk around your neighborhood, though. I find it so interesting to see where others live and YOU live in such a beautiful place. I like the details around the windows. And to live in such a historical district - interesting.
And yes, I think that tin is pretty but way overpriced. I'm thinking that you could probably find something similar on ebay or in a thrift shop or a yard sale this summer.
PS: Feel better soon!
I sure understand January blues- its a cold and dark month. Your city and neighborhood is so pretty and has so much personality- I really enjoy looking at the pictures and imaging what it would be like to live someplace like that. Of course, I'm comparing it to my suburban tract house surrounded by strip malls- convenient, but not very inspiring.
LiLi, I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. If you could sell all of your cards at 45. usd each then you could finance a trip to California where the weather has been absolutely perfect!
That box is beautiful but I agree with you that it is priced way too high. I love estate sales and buying things cheap!
I have just found your site... what a joy. The photos of Utrecht brought back such happy memories of the summer, gently wandering the beautiful street with the wonderful Dutch man. The Dom tower is stunning.
Your a lucky lucky lady to live in such a fantastic place.
Finding you has made this dull, january day bright...keep the beautiful photos coming.
He Lili,
Hoop dat het met je gezondheid weer wat beter gaat ... veel vitamine C hoor :) Wat woon je in een prachtige straat !!! Ik denk dat we een keertje naar Dordrecht zullen gaan om het te bekijken, ik heb nl. al vaker (op jouw blog) zulke mooie foto's van je woonplaats gezien ! En volgens mij ook nog leuke winkels :)
Ben dol op oude gebouwen, dus wie weet ?!
Groetjes en rustig aan hoor.
Hope your tonsilitis is diasappearing slowly but surely girl! So far I've been very lucky with the "common" diseases LOL. Nice winterpictures Lidwien, such a shame that we didn't have that up here in the far North, soooo strange.
Hai Lil, mooooooiii, ja, de steden die je beschrijft zijn prachtig, de huizen die je ons laat zien, echt een hoog wauwfactor. Je moet eens nagaan wat daar voor een geschiedenis verscholen gaat. Enne eerlijk??? Ik vind 64 euro voor een blik, way to much!! Maar, dat ben ik, hihi, maar, jij, jouw keuze, jouw beurs, dus kopen wat je leuk vind, Toch? Veel plezier en bedankt voor eht heerlijk blogje. GLG, Jeany
Beautiful, I wish I could have taken that walk with you!!!
I hope you feel some chicken soup :)
Have a beautiful day!
Hi Lili, I hope that you is better. I love to see photos of their city, is a beautiful place. Hugs.
You neighborhood looks so haunting and beautiful, but that's easy for me to say since it was 74 degreed here today!
Hi Lili
Sorry to hear that you are under the weather and feeling low...' T'is the season to be grumpy' is my alternative lyrics to the original song..
There is a hint of hope and Spring in the air already.. just tangible signs of the days getting a little bit lighter and the bird song has changed..
Your photos are sublime.. I so love this season for the dramatic weather and all that brings.. I took some similar photos at the weekend in a local historical park.. of deer sheltering under some trees that were heavily frosted.. beautiful.
I will be able to return to my blog next week I hope when my beloved applemac is fixed.. until then I am hijacking my son's computer when I can!
All best regards to you my friend..and thank you for your good wishes via Jayne..
Hope you feel tickety boo again soon.
Michele xx
vervelend dat je je niet zo lekker voelt, knap maar gauw weer op.
de foto's met sneeuw zijn toch altijd wel speciaal vind ik, komt hier zo weinig voor dat de sneeuw eens dagen blijft liggen. het is niet altijd even gemakkelijk maar wel heel mooi om te zien.
wat een prijs voor dat blik! echt niet normaal meer.
gisteren heb ik een paar blokhakschoenen gekocht voor de prijs van 1,75. hahaha, ik heb ze nodig omdat we zaterdag verkleed in jaren '60-stijl naar een feest moeten en laat ik die nu net in de kringloop tegenkomen en dan ook nog voor zo'n spotprijsje!
I like the pictures.:-)
You are so sweet Lili! Thank you so much for your encouragement! Words like this inspires a lot I say. I can say that the bug is living on dead animals. I was supposed to make something "valentine" and ended up with this, bit of gruesome picture. Well that is how it is. You never now how the ending will be until youre there. Have a wonderful weekend. Many hugs /linnea-maria
Ik heb al heel 'witte' plaatjes voorbij zien komen op de blogs, maar kan er geen genoeg van krijgen hoor. Prachtig!
Hoop dat je je snel weer wat beter voelt... zal ik wat zon & warmte in een koffertje doen en opsturen?
Liefs, Chantal
Hi LiLi-
the tin was expensive! I definitely think you could find a similar piece for much cheaper... I'll keep a lookout for you:)
That is really annoying about the price tags being turned over - As a dealer, I always try to make sure prices are visible (and reasonable!).
Hope you feel better soon!
January isn't my personal favorite either! I do hope you are feeling better. Such beautiful pictures...especially in the park. I would love love love to live in that one house, too,please send it airmail to California!
xo Lidy
Love these amazing buildings!
The old world...has amazing style.
~ Gabriela ~
Mooie winterse plaatjes Lili!!!!
Wat een hoop geld vragen ze voor dat blik en dat schilderijtje???? Niet normaal meer.
Fijn weekend
I've been to Utrecht! And climbed the tower... Thougt I'd die but the view was spectacular and brought me back to my sense!
tsja dat is natuurlijk een heleboel geld voor een simpel blikje... maar als je het geld hebt en je bent er echt helemaal weg van dan vind ik t soms wel waard. Het idee dat er hele mooie oude kerst ornamenten in komen te liggen spreekt mij dan wel aan.. soms moet je oude dingen in stijl opbergen, net zoals mijn antieke kerst stal in een pamperdoos uit de jaren negentig ;P Mevrouw Vosgesparis wenst u een fijne zondag mevrouw M.
Oh LiLi,
Your neighborhood looks like a scene from a storybook. Your daughter had a great idea, please thank her. You know I love seeing photographs of where you live. Those Victorian homes are makes me want to paint them.
Lately, I have been finding other ways to satisfy my shopping spree days long gone. Everything seems too expensive and money is tight.
Have a lovely weekend.
Dearest Lili!
Yep, you are being hexed. I can see every sign of it. Troath sore when no doctor is available, no eating and drinking of lovely christmas goodies, hubby away when you need the car, troath sore again and pricetags upside down. Oh yes you are hexed! The pricetags definitely did it. A very evil thing witches do. I hate that too. Monstrous prices, but thats what everything vintage costs around my part of the world. I am very often envious when I read your blog and about your findings. Wants me go to Dordrect right away as you very well know.
Hope you feel much better now!
Lots of love to you my "twin"
I feel with a new year came a lot of catching up for me...especially blogging. I'm sure if we had open air Flea Markets or Antiques to explore I'd be in the pink instead.
It does save my credit card from smoldering skid marks,LOL!
Sweet Wishes,
weet je dat ik het over de blokhakken wilde hebben, maar ik heb nog geen foto's(wel eentje maar als het goed is krijg ik ern nog meer, vandaar dat ik het er nog niet over gehad heb. maar je zult ze zeker nog te zien krijgen.
ik heb er i.i.g. een geweldige avond meegehad.
Too funny, our relatives must live close to one another. I have been to Utrecht many times! Looks very cold there right now....
What a fun blog, you're very talented and I LOVE your name:)
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