Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's all about ME!

I don't know about you, but I always have about 8 million projects in mind. Of course a lot of projects just stay there, simply because I have to do other things. On top of that I am very easily distracted and think of new projects all the time. The very talented Natasha Burns had a genius plan: why not do a project just for yourself? Make something to hang on that wall in YOUR room, finally knit a sweater for YOURSELF! I immediately liked the idea, as I hardly have any work of myself. I was about the first to sign always when it comes to 'me time', I started...yesterday...and Australia is ahead of us in time :-(

Vandaag zitten we allemaal klaar voor de 'It's all about me' challenge, georganiseerd door Natasha Burns. De bedoeling is om nu eens speciaal wat voor jezelf te maken, leuk dacht ik, dan maak ik eindelijk mijn Halloween project voor volgend jaar eens af...of zal ik toch wat nieuws beginnen?
I decided to finish this doll-box that I started last year for Halloween and who was standing about a year to be finished now...But what about something new? The dresden project I promised you last time?

Ik had jullie toch beloofd dat ik nog iets met die dresdens zou doen? Ik heb een ideetje in mijn hoofd met van die glazen 'doosjes'.
I bought these glass boxes (and at least one other that is wandering through my studio) at the thrift store.

Eerst heb ik er kleine houten spoeltjes onder geplakt die ik in Amerika kocht.
I glued some wooden spools underneath the one that I am going to use for this project. I bought those spools at Michaels' when I was in the States. And then... I started several other projects, I just couldn't stop and now it's four o'clock at night and....

En vervolgens ging ik startte ik nog eens een stuk of 10 andere projecten. Ik begon met dit platen album dat ik van de zomer in Hoek van Holland kocht om er een plakboek van te maken.
I changed this one that I bought last Summer to make it a journal:

Het ziet er nu zo uit, sorry voor de onscherpe foto, net vannacht genomen...
Sorry, for the blurry photo at night...
I'll show you more when I have changed the inside too.

Dit kooitje van de Action wachtte al een hele tijd op een make over:
This small birdcage that can be bought at the Action store for about one euro, was waiting for a make over for months:

Zwart gespoten vind ik het veel leuker, ik heb er maar ff een vogeltje in gedaan, ik wilde er eigenlijk een klein feetje in maken. Dat komt nog wel.
So I spray painted the cage and put a little Halloweenish bird in it. I was planning to put a fairy in it and I will do that when I have more me-time.

Dit kocht ik voor 50 cent op de fancy fair van de kerk...
I bought this at the Church fair for 50 cents and now

En nu hoef ik het alleen nog maar te vullen met griezelige dingetjes, het eindresultaat hoop ik volgende keer te kunnen laten zien
I only have to fill it with more small Halloween decorations! I hope to show that the next time.

Ik begon aan een project met dit^
I started a project with this and

En ik startte met de lamp uit elkaar te zagen....Rond middernacht bedacht ik toch dat het beter zou zijn in ieder geval 1 ding af te maken....
I started a project with the lamp. After midnight I thought it should be better to finish at least one of the make overs and I did:

En dat is gelukt!!! Hier is het glazen doosje, beplakt met zwarte dresden bandjes, ik heb er een zijden kussentje in gemaakt en er een klein heksje in gedaan. Een betere foto bij daglicht volgt...als ik uitgeslapen ben...
Here is the glass box, with black dresden trims, there is a small silk pillow in it and a cute little witch, I love it, if I may say so. I'll show you a better photo in the morning. Now this was what this challenge was all about, to make something for ME!
Thanks Natasha for stimulating us all and especially for pushing me! Finally I did it!!
Don't forget to visit Natasha's blog to visit all participants of
It's all about ME!

Thanks for visiting me and leaving me so much comments on my last Halloween post. I do hope you'll love this post too, have a lovely day, xoxo LiLi M.

Ik vond het een hartstikke grappige uitdaging, bedankt voor het organiseren Natasha! Vergeten jullie niet even bij haar langs te gaan zodat jullie ook de andere deelnemers kunnen bezoeken? Ook wil ik jullie bedanken voor jullie enthousiaste commentaren op mijn vorige Halloween post. Ik hoop dat deze ook in de smaak valt...en nu naar bed, xoxo LiLi M.

PS: Some daylight photos, but the wheather is nasty:
PS: enkele foto's genomen door Doornroosje, nu er wel daglicht is, al is het niet veel door het weer:


Natasha Burns said...

Lili your projects are so wonderful! LOL that you stayed up so late!!! I'm loving those glass boxes - I saw a frou frou one on Lori (faerie window)'s blog the other day and now I'm seeing some on your blog - they're exquisite! Love the Charlotte head! Thanks for joining in, I'm so glad you did :)

PS. did you know your revamped shoes are in the next Artful Blogging? They did a Q & A story on my revamp it day :)

Lori said...

LiLi, you are so darn cute:) i hear you on the procrastination though...i am always guilty of that one...i LOVE LOVE LOVE what you did with the glass box...the black dresden trim looks fantastic...and i just love how you made the charlotte head into a witch...that's a beauty!!!

ps: i look forward to seeing everything else when they are finished:)

Betty said...

You sound like me! I have a zillion projects to finish too. I do love the one you finished though. I saw a doll like that at an estate sale last week and it was way too expensive for me. I think it was $70!! ouch!

Brigitta said...

Ik denk dat het iets waar al wij creatieve chaoten last van hebben. Veel te veel ideeën in ons hoofd, er direkt aan willen beginnen terwijl er nog tig liggen te wachten (ik hoef alleen maar in mijn handwerkmand te kijken zoveel onafgemaakte borduur/brei/quiltwerkjes zoveel scrapideeën in mijn hoofd)Je hebt in ieder geval 1 heel leuk item klaar en de rest komt ook wel goed ;-)
Brigitta said...

oh LiLi M, I do love your posts and this is a great one! So pleased to find I have not the only one who has many unfinished projects lying around! Yours all came together nicely! Rachaelxo

corry said...

Wow, je zou meer van die 'all about me' dagen moeten hebben, het levert erg mooie dingen op! Ik vind je gerestyled vogelhuisje en glazen doosje prachtig. Ik ga gauw bij de anderen kijken.

Fete et Fleur said...

LiLi!! Everything is wonderful. but that box is INCREDIBLE. You made it look like an antique French box. I just did a post on one that I found. I love yours!!


Marja Rijnsburger said...

Je slaapt zeker nog want ik kan me bijna niet voorstellen dat je nog geen reactie's hebt gekregen op deze post. Ik ben in ieder geval wakker genoeg om nog even voordat ik naar mijn werk vertrek een comment te plaatsen. Herkenbaar 1001 dingen in je hoofd, aan iets beginnen en het volgende plan ontspint zich alweer in dat creatieve brein van al degene die dit ook herkennen. It's all about time!!!! Maar het is je in ieder geval gelukt om iets voor jezelf te maken. En hoe valt dat nu???
Hier ga je in ieder geval niet de deur uit voordat die beer af is......ik kan soms ook best een beetje streng zijn.
Geweldige post weer veel plezier met het kijken bij alle andere en maak gerust eens vaker iets voor jezelf.

BellaRosa said...

What wonderful projects you have going :) I especially love the way your glass box with the witch came out :) looking forward to seeing more of your projects. Rose

Fleurette said...

Hello Lili M., birdcage-
so it is really amazing! The photos album is very beautiful!!
Have a nice day

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Lili,
These are the most darling and charming projects! What a great idea! Some of my favorite pieces chez moi are the things that I discovered for myself. An artist has to please his/herself, if not, then an artist cannot rest until it the project is deemed perfect! Beautiful, beautiful post. Anita

Pearl Maple said...

So many lovely things to look at and all so very creative, thanks for sharing a peek into what you have been making.

Rostrose said...

Oh I know having 8 million projects in my head, too ;-)
Funny to see, that there are lots of things getting BLACK: On the Skandinavian, Italian and French, the German and Austrian blogs everything is turning to WHITE (even before Halloween!!!)
I like both!
Hugs, Traude

LW said...

Wow, it is Oct. 22 already…..
Boy this month is flying by.

I adore all of your project.
The cage came out fantastic and your little
witch glass box is gorgeous …
I love her…

I share the same problem distraction and procrastination.
My worst two enemies.
I am busy working on a project now and had to impose a self-deadline or I will never get it done.


Unknown said...

You did several beautiful projects. I love the albumn embellishments and that box is wonderful too. Each project that you attempt LiLi is so unique and lovely.
How nice that Natasha gave us an excuse to indulge in something just for us.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

LOVE what you did with the box! Genius. who needs sleep when you can make such beautiful things. Happy creating, Lili.:)
xo Lidy

Unknown said...

Eeek I love EVERYTHING! Your partner is sooo lucky (wink,wink)! I especially love the bird cage and charlotte in the glass box. I am going to keep an eye out for glass boxes in the future!


Twyla and Lindsey said...

Your projects are wonderful! I have too many going to finish them all. I should have signed up for this party! I received the bracelet that sent me. It is so pretty. Thank you! Enjoy your day! Twyla

June said...

Oh Lili, you finished all these awesome things to share?! Wow, you are my new hero! I don't have a fave, for each are wonderful...but I do have to comment on the gorgeous album, love it. And the dresden box is awesome!

Elyse said...

hi LiLi!

look at you go! was there coffee involved? all of your projects look great!!!

how great of natasha to provide a deadline for all of us!


Heleen said...

Ongelooflijk wat een mooie projecten, het ene nog mooier dan de andere! Ik denk dat je gewoon geen tijd hebt om te slapen.

Cola's Cottage said...

Lili ~ first of all I love your blog!! It is so festive ; ) I also love your creations and I feel I go through the same creative process as you lol! When I am inspired time doesn't matter and there is nothing better. If only time could stand still so you could get everything you want done ~ done! Beautiful my friend, love it all : )

Hugs ~ Nichole

Anonymous said...

Oh :) i also have a million projects in mind... I just try to keep them in mind ;) Yours are wonderful !!! Your cage is so cute and i felt in love with your most beautiful album ! Hugs :)

Reflections from the Stone Nest said...

She's delightful, Lili! I love it! A nice and tidy little box for your little witch!

The album is gorgeous!


Splashes of Pink and Mint said...

Heee Lili! Ik heb eindelijk weer eens de tijd om even lekker bij te lezen! Wat een Halloween perikelen! Je vorige post was hilarisch, staat je trouwens goed hoor, van die lange zwarte pik-nagels, hahaha! Maar even lekker voor jezelf knutselen is wel een goed idee (alhoewel ik dat vaak genoeg doe hoor, moet ik bekennen!), maar bij jou gaat het altijd echt op z'n lili-sch hè! 10Dingen tegelijk en nog iets af ook, hoe krijg je het voor elkaar!
Doornroosje (of is het doornheksje????)is een schatje hoor!
Moet je toch vaker doen hoor, zo lekker voor jezelf "grutten", zoals we dat hier zeggen!
Alvast fijn weekend!!!!!!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I adore your witch in a box...she's beautiful & stylish! The trim around the box was a really good idea...looks great!

Andrea said...

SO SWEET! i LOVE WHAT YOU'VE DONE WITH THE LITTLE GLASS BOXES! By the way I'm giving away my Audrey Hepburn bag so come on by sweetie! xo Andrea

Catharina Maria said...

LiLi wat heb jij een hoop projecten onder handen .
Het album is super zo !
Lieve groet Rini

Vintage Blue Studio said...

Wow! That box with the charlotte in it is fantastic! It's gothic/girly! Everything turned out so nice!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

I love ,love your projects.The glass box is to die for,I really love it.It came out so fab.You have the goldon touch my lady.
PS,I need to know when exactly you celebrate Christmas over yonder,as us southern folk say.LOL.Thanks for stoping by.You know how I love your visits.XXOO Marie Antionette

Connie said...

Only 8 million projects, sugar?!?! I have at least 20 million at any given time. You did well treating yourself, sugar!

rochambeau said...

Thank goodness it was all about YOU! Because that BOX is FABULOUS!! Thank you for sharing what you made, for taking time out!!


Marina Capano said...

Lili your projects are so wonderful!
all are like always!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Bonsoir Lili!
Thank you for visiting me again! You are so sweet...and yes, I am a very early riser. I get up at 4:00am however, this school year I have to get up at 3:30 because I need to take my husband to work on one side of town and then go to the west side of town to get into my classroom by 6:00. I like to do my preparation early rather than after school. I am too busy, so I try to do my blog visiting in the morning and my blog posting on Saturdays! So yes, you will receive my comments when typically, everyone here is still asleep!! Have a wonderful evening, Anita

Unknown said...

Lili, your projects are just amazing!!!! I LOVE the box with the china head doll soo much, you are so talented!! I adore your style! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comment!

Rose Brier Studio said...

Lili, you did as many projects as I and without teachers urging you on. Very impressive. I really like the harlequin box and doll head. It is very beautiful.

Hello Matilda! said...

Love the cage with candles!

SweetScarlett said...

Hi Lili! Are you sure you are not American??? So far, I have seen nothing to compare to our AMerican traditions at Halloween, but your things are fantastic!
You are so creative - finding the assorted items and making them into new things! And fun things, too!
I adore the glass box with the doll inside and your black crow, too!

Unknown said...

Wow! Look at all that creativity just oozing from your fingertips! I ♥ what you did with that photo album! It's amazing! I think I might do something like that! Very cool!

10 Minute Crafter said...

Hi Lili!
Its lovely to meet you also : )
What lovely projects, gosh you are creative!

Sheryn xox

GerryART said...

You certainly did a lot of ME projects. Black is the theme for this month I guess.
Also, like your sense of humor re: the photo of you with your 'glasses'.
I am so happy Natasha had her 'party'

barbara said...

Holy cow! You got all of that done in a day? That would take me a month. I'm in love with the birdcage. I think I sold mine at my yard sale this summer :(

Anonymous said...

All of your projects are wonderful... Such a delight to see so much creativity! I really love what you did with the glass box... very enchanting!
Hope you're enjoying the
swap as much as I am!
~ blessings ~
Thank you for visiting!

Jeanne said...

I love those little glass boxes. Especially that last one where you added the frozen Charlotte doll. I used to have some of those boxes years ago, but got rid of them during one of my de-cluttering frenzies. This is why I never like to throw anything away.

The French Bear said...

I love the charlotte head!!! Oh it looks so good!!! I never can find any around here, I see others have them all the time, is it a reproduction or an old one? I love the birdcage too!!!! You always have such wonderful posts to share!!!
Margaret B

Dogwood said...

You sure have been having lots of fun. I love all your creative items. Wow...keep it up. Fun party!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

You did wonderful! The glass box is awesome and I love your bird cage, too!

Monica said...

Your creations are divine! I so wanted to make my spooky house, but didn't manage to find one! Yours is fabulous! Love the birdcage too!
Thanks for your lovely comment, and have a great we,

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

So many great projects you have going! I really like the bird cage and the half doll in the case. Have fun finishing the other projects.

Kathy2eggs said...

Such fantastic ideas and the finished projects are priceless.
You'll get more "me time" and the possibilities are endless. I have ones to finish from my artful voyage, and can't wait to show them off.

Unknown said...

Lili, your projects are wonderful! So many wonderful things to do . . . so little time! LOL!

I love what you did with the bird cage and the little glass box is gorgeous. You've done some really interesting and inspiring things!

Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comments! I'm glad you enjoyed the treats!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Bonjour Lili!
Just to let you know, I slept in today! It is 6:30am here instead of 3:45, my normal week hours! Thank you dearest one for your lovely comments on my Audrey/cooking post! Oh you know, the Dordogne is our favorite place! Have you ever been to Sarlat? When we were there, the open market just enchanted us and we ate like kings and queens. I dream of castles and humble French abodes because there is so much elegance and yet a simplicity, unlike American style. I am so glad that I can use my blog to dream and that beautiful people like you join along with me! I hope you get a chance to try my recipe; if you do, you can add extra goodies to "personalize" your stew! My version is very basic, but we enjoy it because the pure flavors just join together so well. Bon apétit ma chèrie!! Anita

Lisa Kettell said...

What great finds and fabulous projects! AMAZING!
Magic and Joy,

The French Bear said...

I just had to pop in again to see the doll in the glass box, so beautiful, I love your ideas!!!!
Margaret B

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

Lili, I love your projects! I am glad you found the time to make them for yourself... it always seems like we accomplish so much when we finish one project doesn't it?

The dolly head in the box is just SO sweet... love that! I also love the album... the picture on the front is just perfect.

xo Heather said...

Isn't it good to have a reason to finish some things? And they turned out just wonderful too!

kana said...


I love all of your projects....a very creative gal you are!

linnea-maria said...

What wonderful project you been working with. Nice theme as well. You just take something beautiful and make it even more beautiful. You're so clever. Have a wonderful week. /linnea-maria

casa nostra said...

wat een leuk idee, om eens iets voor jezelf te maken. je bent er weer goed ingeslaagd om van 'niets' 'iets' te maken, al is het dan wel nachtwerk geworden, je missie is toch geslaagd. ben nog wel benieuwd hoe het met het lampje af gaat lopen!

bluemuf said...

Lili, I love your projects. I also know how it is to start a project and then get carried away and start something new. There are just so many things i want to make and so little time.

Hugs karen

rochambeau said...

I'm back!! Just to say hi and Thank you for dropping by yesterday. YOu always brighten my day LiLi.

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Sorry I'm so late stopping by, your me project is wonderful and well deserved.

Victoria xx

Stacey said...

Wow! You seem to be getting more and more commentors- What a lovely testiment to your generous blogging personality! I absolutely love the little doll project and think you made a lovely item just for you!

natalea said...

Great projects LiLi! I LOVe that birdcage!
Have a great week! xo natalea

icandy... said...

I am in love with your makeovers! They all turned out so great!

Alison Gibbs said...

LiLi so many gorgeous projects. My favourie is the bird cage

SweetAnnee said...

lovely lovely lovely
makes my heart sing.
Thanks for being a friend.
