When I was a child my parents were collecting antiques. I guess it was the first nostalgia wave in the early seventies. Oh my, how I hated these antique shows! But sometimes I saw something that would really catch me, like those antique china dolls. I tried to persuade my mother to buy some, but she preferred some antiques one could really use like a clock or some candle holders.
When I was about 12 I caught the bug as well. On Mondays after school I visited the flea-market, which was a part of the bigger regular daily market. And since then it has become a kind of addiction. I think I'm not the only one around here. Nowadays I go to flea-markets or fairs whenever I get the chance. Every Tuesday there is a flea-market in a nearby city.
Lastly it starts every monday night. I keep hearing that voice:' LiLi, LiLi M. do your hear me? There are bargains....Bargains come and get them...it has to be the Siren who calls me, just like she called all those shippers to the coast, she lures me to the market. Oooooh I cannot resist that voice. Oh that thrill of the hunt. So today I went again.
Though I couldn't resist the voice, I arrived way too late at the market (thanks to the dutch railway society). It was very cold, that's not good, but rain is a disaster. When it rains you'd better stay home as the dealers are staying home as well. So I have little treasures to show you. And I even cannot show them all, because I have bought a present as well. The little brown paper rings will be used for crafting tags. As I bought them the little box fell over and about 500 of the 1000 rings escaped, gone with the wind! (After I have paid for them of course!)
The cologne bottle (still full of fragrance) with box is part of a collection, you see (above). It's an adventure to discover new parts again and again.
Hoops and bar loops are also a small collection! You're not surprised I always can find something that I can use...are you?
Just what was missing in my studio; a clasp to hold some cards, that are waiting to be used in some projects. I have piles of them. I started to collect them when I first started collecting old stuff at the age of 12. But I have send some to nice people..of course...I like it when somebody gives a treasure from a by gone era to me too. By the way that lovely box on top of this blog report is a present from the lovely Mrs. H.
While I have little to show you this week, let's look at some of last weeks' bargains too;
Well I have to admit that sometimes I pretend not to hear that Siren's call. At those moments I'm dying without flowers and/ or some herbs, vegetables, candy you name it. Last week I just needed some hydrangeas, as my crown in the kitchen has turned pale after a year. In my hometown I couldn't get them anymore so I went to the market. Pfff went there for flowers this time, not for some second hand junk or anything, what a relief!
* Flowers bought at the market at a very good price, that's an advantage of the market too. Unlike in shops the dealers at the market give you a fair discount when you buy a lot of flowers!! And I needed a lot as the crown is big.
* before; pale crown
*and after; a fresh crown! I have made this crown on a straw model. I have used pins (yes the ones you use for sewing) to attach the flowers. I know that there are a kind of clamps especially made for this purpose. I can tell you even better; I do have those clamps, but where are they? All I could remember that I couldn't find those things last year and I was wondering how on earth did I make that crown at that time? When the crown came off I saw the pins, so I haven't searched for the clamps this year either. Pins are ok.
Ok. That was a little side path. I do that all the time in daily life as well.
And now for some other bargains:
*I bought this enamelware coffeepot, is it really a problem that this pot doesn't fit with my collection of white (as you can see this is a kind of creamy color) and blue enamelware? I don't think so!
And this is an awesome find. These are 800and something of pages with advertisements in a volume of a dutch magazine, Year 1918! I just love it! While the cover is missing I've paid an unbelievable low price. It's loaded an loaded with those funny images, I will show you more in the near future.
Whether it's working with the mac computer or anything else, I don't know, but somehow I just cannot upload pictures from other people to the right margin of my blog. I have tried for hours, loosing my good humour, mmm almost loosing my senses. Now I will place Beachy's picture in this post for the time being. I just want to tell you that I'm joining a craft challenge for the first time. It is hosted by Beachy (at http://beachyscapecodcupboard.blogspot.com) by the way, making a hidden url isn't possible with my navigation system (Safari) either. Results of the challenge will be published November 1st, but mine is already ready!! I'm so excited!

Have an inspiring day. Do listen to that Siren, it will give you so much pleasure!
Hi Lili!
What great treasures! So glad you found me in blogland! :)
Hi Lili!! great stuff!! LOVE the hand clasp, i have been on the lookout for one of those!!
Hoi Lili,
Wat heb je weer leuke rommeltjes gescoord! En de nieuwe krans die je gemaakt heb ziet er ook weer fantastisch uit...
Heerlijk he die oude tijdschriften. Ik heb ooit een paar oude damesblaadjes gekocht. Niet zo oud als deze maar uit eind jaren 40. Geweldig om artikelen te lezen over bijvoorbeeld de moderne vrouw achter het stuur... een echte revolutie!
You made such a lovely wreath. Hydrangeas are a favorite of mine, but I can never dry them right.
Wat weer een heerlijke vondsten! En ik heb ook zo'n Lorelei in m'n hoofd zitten en ik kan het niet helpen, maar ik móét gewoon naar haar luisteren!
Je krans is ook weer prachtig geworden!
Hoi Lili, The crown looks really lovely. So does the coffeepot. V. was surprised that you have more than one coffeepot. So I told her that you like to collect things. V. is really jealous. She also likes to collect things (doesn't matter what,price tags, stones, broken crayons, anything which comes in different shape or color), but unlike you, V. has to live with me and I throw things away!! Groeten Jet
Ik heb ook vaak last van die sirene ;P
Hoi Lili
Heel veel dingetjes komen me bekend voor, wat leuk dat je die verzameld.
Wens je nog een fijn weekend, liefs Annelies
Grappig dat doosje van het Lintenmagazijn in de Veenestraat - let op: nog met dubbel ee geschreven en nog maar 4 cijfers in het telefoonnummer. Ik heb tot aan mijn 30e in Den Haag gewoond. Grappig om zo iets te zien. Verder moet ik je gewoon een complimentje maken met je blog. Ziet er super uit maar we missen je wel hoor op Picasa :-) Groetjes Claudia van www.zusenmooi.nl (nog net niet helemaal klaar :-)
Is het heel opdringerig als ik hierbij even vertel dat ik wat ongeduldig aan het worden ben? Ben morgen lekker thuis (hard aan de studie) en zit met smart te wachten op nieuwe berichten!! Nou ja zit niks anders op dan wachten he haha...
lovely blog; enchanting items!
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