This beautiful lady is Karla's great aunt Caroline who is going to celebrate her 100th birthday this summer. Unbelievable! She has always been a very active lady (well to no ones' surprise, I guess, being a relative of Karla!) who likes handmade things. Now Karla has a great idea; she wants to give her aunt 100 handmade congratulation cards, all made by different people. You can sign up with Karla if you want to make a card for her aunt too. Have you done that? No? Perhaps I can tell you that Karla is giving away a prize to one of the cardmakers. So you'd better hurry otherwise there will be too many participants!
Well, I have told you before that we are going to the thrift shop again! Anja of my new classic home is hosting this thrift shop challenge.
I try to go every now and then to 'Opnieuw en Co' (Again and Company). I do this as an exercise. I go there by bike and I can tell you that it much easier to sustain than the gym. This time you can accompany me.
Here we are at the recycle store. These are stores that are supported by our government. It has three goals; to stimulate recycling, to offer jobs for those who face difficulties to find jobs and to offer goods to a group that hasn't got a lot to spend at reasonable prices. This is very important to know when being in doubt whether you should buy or not. Let's go inside!
This is a large store. There is a book department, clothes, glass, tv's, you name it. Part of the exercise is checking every corner. Well what do we have here:
An old suitcase, complete with old hotel labels....
Close up.
Why don't we use these labels anymore? Can anybody tell me why a lot of fun things just disappear?
And then my eye catches another suitcase:
Heavy! Inside is:
I know that there are typewriters with better keys. But this one is a classic, no sans serif. It functions and it's decorative and Marja has said when in doubt: Buy! And that is exactly what I have done, as you might have seen in the previous post. But I do recommend thinking before buying:
It was a good thing that I didn't buy both suitcases..Thank you Mr. Postman for holding my bike.
And there was more:
I was so happy to find this. About a 100 years old, poor condition but
It's tiny! And rare and expensive at antique stores. Even in this condition you pay about 15 euro, if you can find one, so it was a steal at 50 cents, though you probably would have left it, haha, one girls' trash is another girls' treasure.
Another treasure?
Yes indeed!
What about this book, a collectors guide on garden gnomes (translation I give you a garden gnome)? I have a friend, who hates those gnomes. He revamped his garden into a beautiful classic herb garden. When his work was finished his parents came over with two hideous garden gnomes for their grandchildren, who were thrilled. So these gnomes were in the garden spoiling the look my friend had so carefully planned. It became a running gag. So when my friend was walking in Switzerland last year, he unpacked his rucksack and discovered that someone had put a garden gnome in it, that had to accompany him in the mountains...My friend suspected me. Why? Mmm somebody tell me!
But I couldn't leave this book and I have sent it to him for his birthday and he has finally decided to give up his restraint and promised me to start a collection of garden gnomes, which was a very good idea, because I also have bought the first very mean gnome of his collection here:
And of course I had a few small things that went in the 'trunk' on its way to Germany today. It was mailing day. The trunks made for Heather's Junque in your trunk swap had to be mailed today. I don't show too much Carol...
In the mean time I'm going to take part in a new swap:

This is going to be so much fun too. Until April 18th you can sign up on Beth's blog 'Gathering Dust' of course you can find all information here too.
Sometimes I wonder what was I doing all day before blogging?
I know the feeling! I am at my computer way way too much.
Thanks for telling everyone about my quest for 100 cards for my aunt's 100th birthday and about the swap Beth and I are hosting!
I completely agree about the luggage labels. Why? Why? I am delighted to know the word "gnome" in a new language! Thanks for the fun trip.
That teeny little tin is fabulous!
Sandra Evertson
wat heb je toch altijd heerlijke stukjes om te lezen.... die postbode zal ook wel gedacht hebben :wat een maf mens,gaat ze haar fiets op de foto zetten,nou die had gister weer wat te vertellen thuis hahahahaha en dan dat stukje over die kabouters hahahaha.....
een fijne dag en lieve groetjes van je brocante vriendinnetje
Leuke dingen heb je weer op de kop getikt! Ik ga je pakketje zo naar het postkantoor brenegn, kun je morgen lekker de hele dag voor de deur liggen wachten, hihihi!!!
you found some lovely things Lili and what a bargain the little tin was! I really enjoy reading your fun posts, you write with such warmth and friendliness!
Here in Chile, there are also shops recycling (not so elegant), where one find everything.
In één woord: GE-WEL-DIG ! Heb hier zo hard zitten lachen met mn lappie op schoot, dat ik van alle kanten vreemd werd aangekeken... hihihi. En die postbode, wát dacht-ie wel niet? Heerlijk om te zien dat je er van hebt genoten, ik veheug me nu al op weer zo'n challenge in blogland. Ik ga nou ns kijken of ik mee kan doen met Karla. Oh... en koken, dat moet ik ook niet vergeten vandaag ;-)
Hey, bedankt voor je berichtje op mn blog.
Wouw wat een grote kringloopwinkel hebben jullie daar zeg. Die hier in 't stadje is echt ienemienie.
Mooie vondsten!
Ha, en die postbode... tis eens wat anders dan post vasthouden ;)
Ik kom hier zeker weer terug!
Great post! Loved seeing into this great store. :)
Wanted to mention that Cavallini and Co. mkae those vintage luggage stickers today. They're fab!
p.s. Loved the tin :)
haha Lidwien ook ik heb genoten van je commentaar op mijn post.. en als er een de draak steekt met RM en met die grijze krullenbol, dan ben ik t wel.. heb menig stukje geschreven waarin ik zijn gedrag (dan ken je zijn zogenaamde belgedrag nog niet als hij incognito (denkt hij) door zijn eigen winkeltje paradeerd) te zeiken zet. De Hema daarintegen zet geen namen op de artikellen.... Maar ik zou je toch eens attent willen maken op de heerlijke kinderlijke eenvoud van de bordjes onder de artikellen.. Mijn dochter maakte mij erop attent.... als we ooit alzheimer zouden krijgen (mijn moeder had het helaas echt en eigenlijk maak ik er geen grapjes over) Maar voor deze keer.... dan zouden wij bij de Hema nog steeds goed uit de voeten kunnen.. er staat onder elk artikel heerlijk eenvoudig het zelfstandig naamwoord van het voorwerp.. Daar zou Henk nou eens een voorbeeld aan moeten nemen ;)
Groetjes, Dees
wat een grote kringloop is dat. daar kan je wel even ronddwalen. die bij ons is maar heel klein en daar ben ik nog lang binnen. ik loop ook meestal 3 rondes, anders meen ik niet alles gezien te hebben. zal wel een tic zijn. en je verhaal is zoals gewoonlijk ook weer prachtig om te lezen.
misschien de volgende keer maar een bakfiets meenemen.
Hoi Lidwien, heb genoten van je verhaal. Maarre het is toch niet zo dat jou B. straks de link van mijn blogadres verwijderdt omdat hij straks het huis niet meer in kan van alle "bij twijfel altijd kopen" aanwinsten.
Hartelijke groetjes Marja.
Wat een grote kringloopwinkel zeg. Vind dat je weer leuke spulletjes hebt gevonden....vooral die oude typemachine.
Hi Lili
Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my blog. (welcome to my chaos, should I say?)
Glad to have you follow me on my journey.
ps. I signed up for that new swap you have listed, should be fun!
I am laughing at you with your!!!! I am sure your friend is just THRILLED with his new mean gnome!!
I often wonder what I was doing before blogging too! I CAN Tell you that my house was A lot cleaner back then! lol
LOVE your sweet little junque peeks! xoxo Heather
I bought a vintage typewriter last weekend too!! I love the way they look. I think the keys are more valuable because everyone is using them for jewelry, etc. I am keeping mine as is. You can see it on my blog.
Wat zou ik graag willen dat mijn Engels iets beter was en dat ik het goed kon lezen. Helaas het is niet zo.
Ik heb wel wederom genoten van je leuke foto's
Woehaa!!! Die foto van die typemachine in je fietstas is werkelijk geweldig!!! Ik zie je al helemaal gaan! Die koffers zijn overigens super, volgende keer maar een karretje achter je fiets??? Je kabouter is ook fantastisch, maar volgens mij heb ik iets met die kleine mannekes!
Ik vergeet helemaal je superlieve, heerlijk nostalgische winkeltje te roemen!!!! Dus bij deze!
This would be the equivalent of a day trip to paradise for me.. to rummage amongst all that bric a brac .. oh heaven!
Now I want a typewriter!! See what you have done!
Luggage labels are wonderfully nostalgic and so hard to find these days... shame!
Hi Lili!
You won a consolation prize in little constest over at handmade! Go check it out....
Lots of love
PS My,my,my what a shop. God I wish I could go visit it. Just my kind of habitat :-)
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